Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hey, look at that! Another post! Really I would like to post more often but every time I think about posting it is while I'm at work and my work computer doesn't like this website for some reason.

Anyway, we are currently house sitting for a family from church. They have two dogs, so it's a pretty fun gig. Plus, they're letting me drive their car since mine is busted, so that's really nice.

These next two weeks are going to fly by, I think. We have plans for several evenings, which always seems to speed things up, and next week is Thanksgiving! I am really excited for that particular holiday because a) I love food, and b) we will be putting the Christmas tree up at my parents' house and that's always a fun time. There won't be any presents under that tree this year because we are going to D.C. for Christmas! My parents are flying us all out there and we will be staying for a week, with the exception of Chris who has to come home early for work :(. But, while we are out there we will be attending a Redskins game, which should be really fun.

Other than all this, we're still just getting our jobs done. Chris's job actually just got changed. He is no longer in the accounting department, but is working on budgets in the "Homes" department. (I think that's right...) He just started this new position on Friday so it's still pretty new. I think he is enjoying it so far, so that's nice :)

We hope this post finds you all well and excited for the holiday season to come.


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