Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Planner

Welp, it's been a while... let's see if I can figure out what's happened since the last post (really, I lose track of time and don't remember what happened when... oops).

Gimeny!  What the heck has happened since April?  Ok, this is sad.  I literally had to go get my planner to figure this out...  Ok, here we go:
April 25:  My planner says "ISU."  This is in reference to Awaken's last performance of the season, which took place on the campus of Iowa State.  It was awesome, there were tons of people there, and in that tons of people was my youth group from Pella.  I loved seeing them all again and was glad they got to experience Awaken.  

April 26:  The next day, my planner tells me, was First Communion for both my cousin and Chris's.  Chris's cousin and her parents live in Minnesota, so right after Awaken (at 11:30pm), Chris headed north... or he was supposed to... I called him about half an hour after he left telling him to turn around.  He had left with my purse in his backseat, and in my purse were my keys.  In the end he didn't end up getting to MN until 3:30.  It was nice for him to be at the Communion, though, because it was his God daughter receiving it.  I got to see my mom at my cousin's First Communion, as well as all my other family members on my dad's side, so that was awesome too.
May 1:  Happy May Day!  This day says "Katie's B-day Party," but it was also the day I went to Pella to visit my friends.  I ended up staying there until around 10:30 because I wanted to see my friend in her last college theater performance.  It was really fun.  Chris went to Katie's party in Ames to represent the Starrs.  I was sad to miss that, but I can only be one place at a time. 

May 2:  "Jeannie's Bridal (lingerie) Shower"!  I got to visit with some friends again in Ames.  Before the shower, Chris met with a bunch of our guy friends from the Ames area and played a couple games of football.  He loved that.  His shoulder is healing well and he has pretty much no pain in it anymore.

May 4: "To Mom's."  After work Chris and I headed to my mom's house in Council Bluffs.  She is actually in California right now visiting her sister, but as her Mother's Day gift we decided to clean up her house a little bit.  It was pretty fun, and we always enjoy a nice road trip.

May 5: "Staff mtg Awaken."  Happy Cinco De Mayo!  We went to Ames again for our final staff meeting for Awaken.  It was nice to see all those folks again, and after taking care of some business we played a pretty fun game. :)

Now we're up to date, and here are some things that will be happening soon.  

May 8: "Tulip Time!"
May 9: "Shelby's Grad Party"

Yep... so now that our lives are centered around a silly little planner, we seem to keep pretty busy.  But at least the business is organized... I guess... Haha.  

SUMMARY: I'm not doing one this time... sorry folks.  ;)


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