Friday, July 24, 2009

It's time...

...for an update.

It's been so long I don't even know what all has happened since the last post. Probably a lot but not much of note.

I just got back from a mission trip with my youth to St. Louis. It was a pretty good time. It renewed my hope of long term missions some day, which is hard because I am not sure when that day will come.

Chris was a home alone all week and got quite a few hours of over time in. He has decided to get his CPA and hopes to have that accomplished by next year. This will entail a few more classes to achieve the credit requirements, as well as passing each section of the CPA exam (which is quite tough). It's all pretty exciting :)

I just got back today from the mission trip so I am tired and can't think of much else. Hope that appeases you :)


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