Monday, July 27, 2009

Mas palabras...

Sitting at my aunts house, spending some time with family, watching my two young female cousins run around doing the chicken dance... glad for some time off and for a little down time. Went for a walk with my mom earlier. She tried roller blading for the first time and does not prefer it to roller skating. My two-year-old cousin is now talking in almost complete sentences and it is amazing to me. He is very happy go lucky and adorable.

Oh, ok. So during his sermon on Sunday, Pastor referenced some protest led by that great man Phelps.... apparently he and his group were protesting a Jewish center in Des Moines. According to their fliers, "Jews killed Jesus. Jewry will soon be dead. God hates Jews." So much hate. It was really frustrating to me because, not only is this guy and his group making a mockery of Christianity (and humanity in general), but this disgusting display of hate occurred at the same exact time as our mission trip, during which we did our best to share God's love. It starts to make you feel like Love is futile. Fortunately I am naive enough to ignore that feeling, and I pray for the strength to continue ignoring it the rest of my life.

My dad and his unity celebrated their "100 days out." Which means he will be home (hopefully) in 100 days. That's exciting. We are going with my parents to Washington D.C. for Christmas so that is exciting. We will go to a Redskin's game, which my dad has always wanted to do. AND they are playing Dallas so it should be a great game. I am getting excited.

Chris is plugging away at his job. He has so many jobs to do within his one job. We are excited for him to get started chasing after his CPA. The tests are supposed to be hard, and the study stuff is ridiculously expensive, but it is still exciting! :)

Ok. So that's more of an update than last time. Maybe next I'll put pictures up.



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