Monday, March 23, 2009

Long Weekend

Whew!  What a long weekend that was...  On Wednesday or Thursday, Chris's uncle called and reminded us that Chris's grandma's 65th birthday would be that following Saturday.  "Oh!" we thought, "... too bad we didn't know sooner..."  But the longer we thought about it, the more we decided it would be plausible to make the trip to St. Cloud to celebrate Grandma Rosie's birthday; plus we would be able to visit my aunt and her family as well.  We decided we would leave Friday after Chris got off work, and we did!

At 4:00 we left Des Moines and at 8:30 we arrived in Maple Grove.  Sophia (my 5 year old cousin) was so excited to see us.  Her mom had decided to let it be a surprise, so when we rang the doorbell she literally started screaming.  Haha.  It was cute.  Especially because she was screaming "Stephanie! Stephanie! Stephanie!" and when I said "And look who I brought with me" as I motioned to Chris, she got all shy and just didn't say anything.  Haha... she's so silly. 

We had a good time with Sophia and her family.  We went for a nice long walk with them Saturday morning, after which we headed for St. Cloud.  We stopped at a grocery store in Maple Grove to get some flowers for Grandma.  I had a great/interesting time arranging them while we drove and ended up with pollen all over me... and some on the interior of the car as well.  Oops!  The flowers were lovely, though, and it was nice to have something in hand when we surprised Grandma with our visit.  We stayed for a few hours and visited with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins who were present.  We had to leave around 5:30, though, as I had to work Sunday morning.

Our trip home was nice.  As on the trip up, I read aloud from Lord of the Rings which kept us pretty entertained.  It's so different than the movie, which I love because it's like the plot isn't ruined for me :).  We got home at about 10:30, just in time to go to bed.

Sunday morning was the usual.  I went to early service and Sunday school and Chris joined me for second service.  Then we came home and cleaned our hearts out until we left for the Hasenwinkel's.  The Hasenwinkels go to our church and they offered us a very nice desk that they are replacing.  We were very excited to get it, but it was quite the ordeal moving it from their place to ours.  We're so glad it's here, though, and are really excited that we can finally finish settling down in our new apartment (we'd been waiting to unpack the office).  Now that we can do that, I will be able to get pictures of all our apartment and post them here.  I know you're all excited. ;)

After we got the desk set up we had to grab McDonald's for dinner because we had no time before youth group began.  So 7:00-9:00 was spent on youth group as usual, and that was a blast (as usual).  We got home and decided we wanted to move the new desk to another spot in the office, which took us about an hour because it is so big.  It was definitely time for bed after that, and as I laid there rethinking the day I realized how very long this weekend was.  Very productive though!  We enjoyed every bit of it.

In other news, I have been told that you may not be able to post comments for some reason.  One person tried and let us know she couldn't.  If you are having the same problem, please email me:  Thanks!

Well, that was quite the lengthy post.  I wish I had pictures to share, but I forgot my camera at home all weekend :(  I'll try to do better next time!  Hope you are all having a lovely day!

--The Starrs



Anonymous said...


the Kelleys said...

Hmmm...I'd say there is a setting that is mixing it all up. If you have it on global settings where everyone can read it - everyone should be able to comment. :)

Lol - Heath and I can relate to driving long hours and getting excited over "re"gifted items. We have a couch in our basement someone was throwing out! But it works fabulous when you have a dog who isn't allowed on anything else. :) LOVE that you have a blog!

the Kelleys said...

Just tried to post and it wouldn't let, I just refreshed it and tried again. Maybe that's what it is?? You just have to try it twice?

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